Min. Order Qty: 1000
Unit Price: NGN70
Delivery Locations: We Delivered Nationwide - Nigeria 0 HomeShopLIVESTOCK SECTIONLivestockCommercial Day Old White Cockerel Chicks Commercial Day Old White Cockerel Chicks ★★★★★ (14 customer reviews) 🔠White cockerelWhite cockerel Hatchery/Brand CHI White Cockerels Clear Buy the white cockerels carton of Day Old Chicks from CHI hatcheries containing 50 chicks per carton 1 BUY NOW Buyer Protection Make safe and reliable transaction with us Safe Payment We accept bank transfer, bank deposit, online with bank, or debit/credit card Flexible Shipping Choose from alternative shipping methods Add to wishlist28 Seller: Grinphield 4.59 out of 5 (180) Description Additional information Reviews (14) More Offers Policies Inquiries Cockerels are raised for meat. They take six months to one year to fully mature, depending on the quality of management provided. The price here is for a carton of 50 chicks. You can buy as many cartons as you need. Schedule for vaccination/medication will be forwarded to your mail upon placement of successful orders. Cockerels are cheaper to buy and raise compared to broilers, and they thrive under most management conditions. They are very resistant to adverse environmental conditions. So, we often recommend them for new poultry farms who use the free range system. Note Before leaving the point of delivery, please count your birds while the driver is still there. Once you ensure the driver or delivery agent witnesses any loss, and you confirm this with us. you will be compensated once we confirm/corroborate the loss/inconsistency at delivery.
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