Min. Order Qty: 1000
Unit Price: NGN250
Delivery Locations: We Delivered Nationwide
Commercial Day Old Pullet – ISA Brown Over the years, it has become prestigious for its high egg production, adapts well to various climate conditions, housing systems, and management systems. *The price displayed is for a carton of 50 chicks (minimum order). The ISA Brown chicks lay up to 300 brown eggs per year and weight up to 2 kg at maturity. It is also a good second-year bird (they can lay up to 500 eggs over 2 years). It is also a good source of delicious meat (Old layers) which is a major crave for old layer meat consumers. Although it was mainly developed as a battery bird (performs better in battery cages), it is a very adaptive bird which can be kept free range and in the deep litter style. It adapts well to various climates and conditions. It also has a very excellent feed conversion ration (2:1), making it a very profitable and cost-effective poultry bird to raise. Note Before leaving the point of delivery, please count your birds while the driver is still there. Once you ensure the driver or delivery agent witnesses any loss, and you confirm this with us. you will be compensated once we confirm/corroborate the loss/inconsistency at delivery. Afrimash does not provide any warranty or guarantee on day-old chicks or poults-
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