Min. Order Qty: 2000
Unit Price: NGN300
Delivery Locations: We Deliver Nationwide
Book your day-old kuroiler chickens and get them delivered where you are. Farmers who have tried the Kuroiler breed are very happy they did. The price here is for a carton of 50 chicks. You can buy as many cartons as you need. Kuroiler chickens are a hybrid of broiler and cockerel. Hence, they develop a lot of meat like broiler chickens and are very resistant to adverse conditions like cockerels, and are able to withstand most common poultry diseases. They were recently introduced into the Nigerian market to make the raising of chickens easier for many farmers. With the male Kuroiler chickens, we have been able to achieve a bridge of the benefits of broilers and cockerels. In 12 weeks to 16 weeks, the Kuroilers are able to attain a weight of up to 2.5 kilograms if fed quality feed. Note Before leaving the point of delivery, please count your birds while the driver is still there.
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