Min. Order Qty: 01
Unit Price: NGN100,000
Delivery Locations: Lagos, Abuja, Ogun State, Kogi State, Edo State, Rivers, Benue State
This Fuelless generator Is a new technology and Automatic system that is very efficient/economical' it doesn't make use of fuel or diesel not even a solar panel (source) it uses a 1000Amps DC Motor Solar battery and Panel it also has a motor alternator that Powers the generator whenever it operating the battery charges (2).The generator can run upto 20hrs daily and it automatically Shutdown to cool for 4hrs then automatically comes up after cooling. (3).The life span of the battery is 3years and it also comes with an extra battery of 1000Amps once the battery attached to the generator dies after 3years then replace the extra battery immediately. (4).Maximum load appliance for the minimum capacity (6KVA) can power 1freezer, 1unit 1hp air-condition, pumping machine, electric cooker and other home appliances bulbs, your TV Sets, the higher the KVA the higher appliances (5).Note: Placement of order requires 50% down deposit to the company's account to validate your Order and pay up balance after installation and tested to your satisfaction (6).Within the 24 months guarantee the company's engineer will come for servicing or any form of repair.
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